What Does 144hz Mean? – Guide

What Does 144hz Mean - Best Monitor Review

What exactly does 144Hz mean and can you even see the difference between a 144Hz monitor and a 60Hz monitor? Let’s find out. The refresh rate is the number of times a display refreshes in a second to show a new image. The unit of frequency is Hz (hertz). Therefore, 144Hz means the display refreshes 144… Continue reading What Does 144hz Mean? – Guide

How to Change FreeSync Range Using CRU – Guide

How to Change FreeSync Range Using CRU - Best Monitor Review

Custom Resolution Utility (CRU) allows you to manually change your monitor’s FreeSync range, quick and easy. Changing your monitor’s variable refresh rate (VRR) range can sometimes greatly improve the performance in video games. Luckily, the process is very quick and simple! To increase or decrease your monitor’s FreeSync range, you’ll need to download a free… Continue reading How to Change FreeSync Range Using CRU – Guide

1920×1080 vs 2560×1440 – Guide

1920x1080 vs 2560x1440 - Best Monitor Review

1920×1080 vs 2560×1440 2560×1440 has 78% more pixels than 1920×1080, but is it always better? This guide will help you pick the right display so you don’t waste any money. The higher the resolution the better — granted that you can afford it and that you have a powerful enough PC. In comparison to 1920×1080,… Continue reading 1920×1080 vs 2560×1440 – Guide

Is a 144hz Monitor Worth it? – Guide

Is a 144hz Monitor Worth it? - Best Monitor Review

Is A 144Hz Monitor Worth It? Is it worth getting a 144Hz monitor or is a 60Hz monitor just fine? Let’s find out what the real advantages of 144Hz monitors are. If you’re playing competitive games, a 144Hz gaming monitor is definitely worth it. Not only does it provide you with a more enjoyable and… Continue reading Is a 144hz Monitor Worth it? – Guide

Is AOC a Good Monitor Brand? – Guide

Is AOC a Good Monitor Brand - Best Monitor Review

Is AOC a Good Monitor Brand? The quickest answer is yes, AOC deserves your hard-earned cash even if most of their offerings are underdogs in the market. The main reason why they probably don’t sell as much is the obscurity surrounding the brand. Some consumers think that the company makes Chinese knock-offs, but they are… Continue reading Is AOC a Good Monitor Brand? – Guide

WQHD vs QHD – What’s the Difference? – Guide

WQHD vs QHD - Best Monitor Review

WQHD vs QHD Have you ever wondered what will happen if you end up buying a PC with all the amazing components but with the wrong monitor that does not support those components? It will make you feel stupid as it will be a total waste of money. Unfortunately, not many people consider the display… Continue reading WQHD vs QHD – What’s the Difference? – Guide

What is IPS Glow and How Can I Reduce it? – Guide

What is IPS Glow? - Best Monitor Review

What is IPS Glow and How Can I Reduce it? IPS glow is characterized as visible ‘glowing’ around the corners of an IPS panel monitor. The glowing is more obvious in dark rooms when watching dark content at a high brightness setting. It’s an expected drawback of the IPS technology, and it can be reduced… Continue reading What is IPS Glow and How Can I Reduce it? – Guide

What is Backlight Bleed? – Guide

What is Backlight Bleed? - Best Monitor Review

What is Backlight Bleed? Backlight bleed is characterized by light leaking around the edges or corners of an LCD. This is due to the way these displays work; they use a light behind the panel that faces the display. Backlight bleeding is simply some of the backlight leaking through. There are no ways to completely… Continue reading What is Backlight Bleed? – Guide